These days, companies cannot achieve sustainable success by simply launching localised sites in international markets. Businesses must provide linguistically- and culturally-authentic interactions. Learn how, in this report.
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Americans aren't the only shoppers going bonkers for November sales events. Black Friday has gone global. Read MotionPoint's exclusive data and analysis.
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Companies that invest in international PPC campaigns can see positive and sustained results for their localised websites. Learn how to create great campaigns in this primer, by one of our Global Growth experts.
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The auto industry has used the Internet to educate, and sell to, consumers for over 15 years. But two underserved North American markets could provide previously-untapped brand loyalty and sales growth.
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How effectively are Black Friday, Cyber Monday and other U.S.-created holiday sales events spreading in European markets? A closer look, from one of our experts.
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"The Secret Language of Boosting Holiday Sales" reveals how companies can gain a powerful competitive edge during the holidays.
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Last year, Chinese shoppers spent $9 billion in one day. Nov. 11—the world’s largest online shopping day—is nearly here. Can your company get a piece of the action?
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Ideally, website content should be unique and relevant to its target market. Here are five ways custom localizations generate powerful results in international markets.
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Most times, one Spanish website can effectively serve every Spanish audience. But in some cases, subtle linguistic differences can greatly impact conversion and revenue.
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For years, SEO experts have touted URL optimisation as a best practice. Learn how this ethos applies to localised content on international websites-and how it boosts conversion rates and revenue.
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Companies tend to abandon their global online strategies when they don't generate immediate, meaningful results. The reason "why" is a mystery for these organisations-after all, they performed their due diligence and launched a localised website in the market's preferred language. What went wrong?
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How can companies effectively inform international customers that a localised version now exists for their market? The secret, MotionPoint found, was to put the customers' needs above all.
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Global smartphone adoption is skyrocketing. What's the smartest way to ensure that a company's localised content displays accurately across all digital channels?
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Retailers say up to 30% of their online revenue now hails from global customers. Learn how to make localised domestic and international retail sites a success for your organisation.
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Discover how Spanish-language mobile websites boosts traffic, engagement and revenue for companies in several industries. Is your company ignoring a thriving opportunity.
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M-commerce is outpacing traditional e-commerce by three-to-one. If your expanding organisation neglects the mobile web, it's missing where the action is. Here's a primer.
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