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Extending the Global Buyer’s Journey Beyond Aggregator Sites

A localised website plays an integral part in educating customers-and your global growth, our CRO writes.

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October 01, 2019

Craig Witt
Craig Witt

Global e-commerce aggregators and marketplace websites-such as India's Flipkart and China's Tmall-empower brands to serve international markets with centralised "virtual mall" customer experiences available in customers' preferred languages.

But the customer’s journey is rarely confined to a virtual marketplace, writes MotionPoint Chief Revenue Officer Craig Witt in an article for MarTech Advisor. A brand’s corporate website and omnichannel content also play a vital role. It’s critical to localize these assets for international customers, Witt says.

Witt presents smart ways for getting started with website localisation, such as:

  • Leveraging website analytics to determine which global markets to prioritize
  • Translating information for products listed on third-party marketplaces to educate prospective buyers
  • Providing localised product manuals to support customers post-conversion

Read the full story at MarTech Advisor.

Last updated on October 01, 2019
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