Global customers demand a stellar localised user experience, no matter where they encounter your brand.

This includes your website, social media, online videos and other digital channels.

But translating this content isn't easy … unless you know which localisation technologies to use for different marketing channels.

You’ll learn all about those technologies in this e-book, including:

  • How common website translation solutions fall short
  • Why the proxy-based approach is the best solution to deploy and maintain multilingual websites
  • How APIs are optimised to translate multichannel content

Employing experienced translators to help you communicate with online global customers is merely the beginning of your globalization journey. You need a digital-first agency that understands when to use the right technology for the right marketing channel.

In this e-book, you’ll also learn:

  • How proxy-based solutions can translate any website content in any medium
  • The SEO advantages of using the proxy approach
  • How APIs save money on multichannel translation costs

Remember: Digital-first translation agencies understand the nuances and challenges of website and multichannel translation far better than traditional agencies do.

Download the e-book

Keep Learning

Discover even more insights in these related e-books:

What Is Translation Memory?

What Is Translation Memory?

Translation Tasks Will Overextend Your In-Country Marketers

Translation Tasks Will Overextend Your In-Country Marketers

Challenges Facing Small Marketing Teams

Challenges Facing Small Marketing Teams

The Future of Global Marketing

The Future of Global Marketing


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