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Is Your Website Translation Provider Security-Savvy?

Use only localisation solutions dedicated to protecting your critical business assets online.

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September 18, 2019

Craig Witt
Craig Witt

When serving global customers with multilingual websites, retailers must ensure the security of their customer experiences and protect the privacy of its customers.

Many traditional translation vendor, however, use legacy workflows and immature technologies that may cause security gaps, writes MotionPoint’s Chief Revenue Officer Craig Witt in an article for Chain Store Age. To mitigate this risk, retailers should thoroughly vet their translation partners.

Witt describes what to look for in a security-savvy digital translation vendor:

  • Leverages technologies that never see or store personal information such as customer names, addresses or credit card numbers
  • Complies with stringent security protocols such as PCI DSS, HIPAA and others
  • Uses physically secure hosting infrastructures that provide security, scalability and redundancy

Read the full story at Chain Store Age.

Last updated on September 18, 2019
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