Translation Technology

How MotionPoint Works with Every Technology, Language and Vendor

MotionPoint eases the burden of website localisation, so you can focus on winning more business.

Reagan Evans's avatar
Reagan Evans

October 23, 2017


No one ever intends to work with vendors that become more trouble than they’re worth. But it happens more often than you might think—especially in website translation.

As you expand into new online markets, your goal is to build market share and increasing revenue. It's not to babysit brittle solutions that can't seamlessly integrate with your website technologies, or overcomplicate your internal processes, or drain your resources.

MotionPoint's nimble turn-key solution solves the operational complexity and cost of website localisation. Unlike other approaches, it gets along with all website technologies, can operate in any language in any market, and can accommodate content and services from third parties, too.

The Stakes are High

Why is it so important to choose a website translation vendor that understands not only translation, but technology? Consider your primary-market flagship website. It must deliver on technical and business-performance expectations, and embrace design and UX best practices, too.

Those needs, and others, informed the CMS you selected, and the technical integrations you chose to deliver on your vision for design, functionality and more. Other goals required additional technologies such third-party services, analytics engines and more. It's tuned for your unique needs.

If you choose the wrong translation vendor, your website won’t function properly in global markets.

But if you choose the wrong website translation vendor, that finely-tuned machine won’t function properly in global markets. CMS connectors break. Undercooked solutions create complicated workflows or technical logjams. “Lock-in” with certain vendors is also common, bringing its own problems.

Your effort and investments will become undone, fast.

The Answer is Here

MotionPoint's solution is fundamentally different than others on the market. Its fully turn-key, proxy-based approach handles all of the under-the-hood complexities that make website translation a burden for your IT team.

Since our solution operates independently of your CMS and other technologies, it won't interfere with your perfectly-tuned site. At any time, you can:

  • Upgrade technologies and plugins
  • Update your security
  • Redesign your site
  • Select a new platform
  • Change backend systems
  • Make changes to your CDN configuration

MotionPoint won't get in the way. It will continually deliver service to you global market websites.

MotionPoint's solution operates independently of your CMS. It won't interfere with your perfectly-tuned website.

A Versatile, Omnivorous Solution

The beauty of MotionPoint’s proxy, and its mature content-parsing technology, is that your site’s translatable content could hail from any server or service anywhere in the world—including your site or third-party services such as shopping carts, marketing platforms or customer review modules. MotionPoint detects it, and routes it for translation. Do you integrate with e-commerce solutions? Our technology can easily translate the conversion and checkout experience, and ensures your company receives the order information for fulfillment.

Do you use leverage booking modules for customers to purchase flight tickets, reserve hotel rooms, rent cars and more? MotionPoint's solution also localises this third-party content for your global customers.

Do you have custom-built interactive product catalogues hooked into your backend systems? We can translate these to support your international vendors.

Do you use Adobe Experience Manager, Drupal, Typo3, Episerver or any other CMS? MotionPoint plays nicely with all of them, without using unreliable connectors or cartridges.

MotionPoint's solution also parses translatable content found in applications, written in any programming language. Our solution identifies translatable content in websites built using AJAX or using modern JavaScript frameworks such as AngularJS. Other vendors struggle to find and translate this content-if they're able to find it at all.

MotionPoint translates all website content, even from third-party modules such as shopping carts and booking engines.

Ultimate Flexibility

MotionPoint's solution can accommodate any global market, in any language, in any media. That flexibility extends to localising multichannel content, too-social media, offline materials for your sales teams, product slicks and more.

And while MotionPoint offers a variety of affordable options for human and machine translation, you can use your own team of translators to localize your online content, if you wish.

Ultimately, other vendors try to maximise your translation spend. MotionPoint's business model provides operational efficiency, cost savings, speed to market and flawless performance, so that you can keep adding languages and expanding your global reach.


You've invested untold time and resources to make your primary-market website the best it can be. Don't jeopardize its performance in global markets by choosing an underqualified vendor.

MotionPoint's technology was built with the express purpose of minimising operational complexity for our customers. Our fully turn-key solution accommodates your technology stack, optimises the translation process for accuracy and cost-savings, and empowers you to reach any market, in any language, you wish.

Last updated on October 23, 2017
Reagan Evans's avatar

About Reagan Evans

Reagan Evans is MotionPoint's SVP of Sales. He has a strong background in sales and data management and has nearly 10 years of executive level experience in the field. He uses his expertise in global sales, new business development, sales production, and data organisation to drive MotionPoint's market expansion and new client acquisition. Evans leverages MotionPoint's industry-leading technology to drive sales and ensure higher customer satisfaction.

Reagan Evans's avatar
Reagan Evans

SVP, Head of Sales


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