Apr 03, 2018
Case Study: Master Lock – Securing International Growth Online
When we’re looking at global expansion, it’s really important for us to be able to communicate our brand message to the local regions and markets that we serve.
The Master Lock Company has protected property and people for nearly 100 years
As we go into new markets, Master Lock is not necessarily a well-known brand in those countries and we have to really do everything we can to sell ourselves to consumers, as well as businesses, as a reputable supplier of product.
Master Lock’s business continues to expand globally
If we can tell a story in the consumers' local language, it's more meaningful for them. There's more probability for them to be a long-term, loyal customer to us.
I realized we had quite a challenge in having to find translation support services for all of these overseas websites that we were planning on building. And I looked at a number of companies that offered these types of services. We landed on MotionPoint after a pretty exhaustive study, because of the technology, which was first rate, the service, which was excellent and the fact that they're very easy to work with.
Master Lock currently offers its website in nine languages with MotionPoint
We have a small team here that's in charge of our websites and production. The maintenance of these sites as you add new content and change out assets becomes increasingly challenging. One of the nice things about MotionPoint's technology is it's very turnkey. It happens behind the scenes, many times while we're sleeping.
With MotionPoint, we can bring a website up and running in any language we choose in approximately four to six weeks, which is really quite amazing when you consider the amount of content that we have to support over 10,000 products on a website.
When we're launching a brand-new product in different countries, it's very important that we get to market quickly. So, the fact that we can get it onto the translated websites just as quickly as we can flip the switch makes a big difference to the sales people who are chomping at the bit, want to get out there, sell, that makes a big impact.
If we weren’t using MotionPoint’s technology for quick and simple translation, we’d probably be very challenged in continuing our pace of expansion with translated sites into these other countries.
The Master Lock Company
MotionPoint customer since 2008
Categories: Website Translation, Marketer, Streamline Operations, Optimise Performance, Video