Jan 23, 2025
Insourcing Vs. Outsourcing Translation pt. 4
Hi, everyone, and welcome to three questions with MotionPoint. I'm your host, Dominic Ditrovai, and today I'll be talking with Ellen Whiteman, onboarding and product management specialist. Ellen, how are you doing today?
I’m great. Thank you, though. How are you?
I'm doing great. Excited to talk to you. And today, we're talking about a very polarizing topic in translation, the idea of control when it comes to insourcing versus outsourcing translation.
So, Ellen, is it true that by outsourcing translation, you lose control?
Well, it depends what kind of, relationship you have with your vendor. And as a provider, some some of them provide more opportunities than others for you to stay involved.
At which point we’d like to work with the customers closely as they’d like to be involved and give them opportunities all along the way to provide us feedback and, they get us to their translation.
Absolutely. I mean, I’d like to know can you give me a couple examples or ways companies can provide control when they outsource translation to a provider?
Sure. Well, I can speak to what we do here at MotionPoint. Yeah. We have some tools that help customers, maintain that control.
And one of them is called Live Edit, and that allows the customer to provide feedback or make edits to us throughout the entire process of their translations on their website. So they can use the Live Edit tool to really get their hands on, the translations and make edits as they wish. And another tool that we have is called Market Manager, and that allows companies to customize their their websites and localize them for different buckets. So, again, they can really portray the image that they want to in different different markets.
Thank you. I mean, that's that's true. Right? We can edit. You can, do postproduction editing.
You can give feedback on the fly right away as well as have full visibility of what's going on. Right. So so that is true, you know, that you do have much more control than people might think initially.
Ellen, we were talking earlier about maybe some irony that goes when when companies decide to in source translation. I mean, what do you think? Is there is insourcing a little bit ironic, and is it an efficient process?
Well, it can be, except that there with the control also comes all the responsibility. So it's really on you to maintain all of that information on your site and the translations that go along with it. So we have found at MotionPoint that, you know, companies that choose to work with us, can accomplish their translations in about half the time. So with in sourcing, that might take you you up to twelve months to actually get your translated site up and running. Where with MotionPoint, we can do that in about half the time.
Yeah. Yeah. Half the time, and I mean, I've seen us do it in around thirty five to forty five days as well. So there you have it. You know, in sourcing, you have full accountability to complete all of the translations as well as getting them in a done in a timely manner. And with outsourcing, you do have that SLA agreement where people are gonna get it done at a certain time, and you do not have to worry about that.
Well, thank you, Ellen, very much for your conversation, and I hope you have a great day. Thank you, everybody, for coming. Happy New Year.
Categories: Website Translation, Marketer, Streamline Operations, Optimise Performance, Video