Jan 23, 2025
Insourcing Vs. Outsourcing Translation pt. 1
Welcome to our three questions in MotionPoint series. Today, we have Evan Kramer, our new CEO, and we're gonna be exploring in source versus outsource translation.
Evan, how are you doing?
I’m doing great. Thanks for having me, Dom.
Awesome. Well, it's a pleasure to start this series. And my first question for you is, what is in source versus outsource translation, specifically when it comes to website translation?
That's a great question. I'm glad, you know, we've limited to three questions so I can really focus in on here. But insourcing versus outsourcing when it comes to website translation has to do whether you're you're asking a provider to do the translation for services for you or whether you can do them in house using your own technologies. A lot of times when you're using an outsource service, a lot of the technologies being used are proxy based technologies, so that the service provider can can leverage and have a lot more control over the QA, over the web engineering, over the hosting. Whereas the in source, options are more around using it within your own CMS and supporting it within that own infrastructure, sometimes using an API or a connector to that particular CMS.
Yep. Yep. No. It appears that there's a lot of people involved with that process. So I I'd I'd ask you, what's the main consideration for outsourcing?
It's a good question. I mean, I I I'd like to look at it as a total cost of ownership. Right? And the investments you need to make to, in source website translation is a high investment.
So if you are a company that's mature in the translation life cycle, so you've been in a lot of markets. You've done translation for a while. You might be staffed up internally with localization managers, web engineers, project management. It's not just about the words, Dom.
The words are actually the easy part in the translation process. It's getting the words in and off the web, because no longer today is our website's just HTML. You're dealing with JavaScript. You're dealing with complicated dynamic content and functionality.
And so if you're completely outsourcing it, that's all taken care of for you. And so if you're new to the translation life cycle, such as going to market for the first time with a new language or or entering a new language, I would recommend outsourcing it first, getting an understanding of how that web translation works, and then you can make that decision long term of whether you wanna bring it in house or not.
Yep. Yep. Wonderful. So that kind of begs the question. Right? What's the number one consideration you should look for when choosing an outsource transaction?
Yeah. You know, if if you're choosing any managed service, right, to me, the it's all about, what is that quality of service, how concierge is that service to you, and and the account management of that service, the quality you're getting, on a consistent basis relative to the price you're paying. And and you don't wanna skip one price when it comes to translation because your brand is very important in the market. So you need to make sure that you're dealing with a vendor that has the highest quality of service that is very concierge like.
And to me, that would be the number one consideration. A lot of times, we get caught up on technology and how you do it. But we talk about a managed service where someone's going to, you know, mow your lawn every week, you're not gonna ask them what lawn mower they're using. You want to see that the lawn is looks nice and it's cut and it's done on time and night walking.
Absolutely. Well, there you have it.
So consider total cost of ownership when you're looking at insource versus outsourced translation, and then look for a concierge level service when providing an outsourced translation solution. Thank you very much, and see you next time.
Categories: Website Translation, Marketer, Streamline Operations, Optimise Performance, Video