Jan 23, 2025
5 Reasons U.S. Brands Need to Explore Global Translation
Hello. I'm Evan Kramer, CEO at MotionPoint. I wanna talk to everyone today, about five signs why a US company might explore website translation and website localization, for their business.
Number one, is the obvious reason is that there's demand abroad. There's demand in a global market, that you potentially, are looking to get into and grow your business. You've done your research. You understand that there's a product market fit in that market. You obviously need a quality translated experience in that market. Number two sign for that US company, to be in a global market is that your your competition's there. It kinda validates point number one, but the fact that your competition is there and and they're selling services or products in that market, is a definite sign to have that translated experience, and your competition is providing that translated experience.
The third reason that that kind of all goes together with the first two is trying to test new markets.
So, of course, you wanna, understand demand and where your competition is, but, also, you wanna test and and iterate to great in understanding whether that demand is validated and there's efficacy. So providing that translated experience in that market, will tell you that. The next two reasons, are probably a little bit more critical and not as obvious.
Reason number four for that US company looking to go global and provide a a translated online experience is potential local laws, regulations, and compliance, often require translated experiences.
There's, in bill ninety six in Canada, for example, requires, English and French Canadian, if you are a US company trying to support and and grow your your business in Canada. So there's a lot of regulations depending on what market you're in and providing a translated experience.
And then the fifth and final reason, for a US company to consider is that SEO bump.
Sure. You can do search engine optimization once you have a translated experience, but just by having that translated experience and understanding how you can generate, more links, engagements, backlinks into your origin site in the US will naturally also, create a a a lift in your SEO, within English as well. So there's a lot of strategic reasons here. Those are five that we that I just talked about today on why a US company, is looking to, go global and test new markets, should think about a website translated experience.
For that type of quality experience, obviously, come to motion point dot com, and and we'll be more than happy to help you out. Thanks a lot, everybody.
Categories: Website Translation, Marketer, Streamline Operations, Optimise Performance, Video