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Prioritize Mobile-First Markets in Your Global Marketing Strategy

Mobile marketing must play a role in building a truly international brand, our EVP writes.

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February 06, 2019

Craig Witt
Craig Witt

The global growth and penetration rates of mobile Internet use represents a massive opportunity for global companies, writes MotionPoint EVP Craig Witt in a column for MarTech Advisor.

Mobile marketing must play a prominent role in building a truly international brand, Witt says, especially in markets where people access the web almost exclusively through mobile devices.

He introduces proven ways companies can put mobile at the front of their global marketing strategies, including:

  • Focusing on expanding markets with mobile-first mindsets
  • Localising content, including payment information and on-site search functionality
  • Capitalising on micro-moments and provide always-on, instant access to your content

Get more insights and best practices at MarTech Advisor.

Last updated on February 06, 2019
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